Product Description
Apex - Natural Knit - Men's Athletic Shoe
The new Apex Natural Knit - new shoes from Apex's Fall collection! Promising levels of breathability, these shoes are remarkable and comfortable and come with moisture control technology to assist in preventing foot odor. Designed with a stylish woolen exterior, this pair of shoes keeps your footwear experience light, airy and comfy! Soft uppers underneath the woolen exterior ensure soft cushioning around your skin to prevent damage caused by footwear abrasion. The rounded toe box feature works wonderfully in keeping your toes comfortable as it minimizes the chances of toenail damage. The best part about these shoes is you can find them in just about any size and width you need.The Apex Natural Knit - Men's athletic shoe is highly praised, not only for its flexible rubber outsole that provides the shoe wearer with excellent road grip and bounce-back maneuverability, but also because of its removable footbed feature which work as custom orthotics. In addition, the footbed's contouring nature develops a gel-like cushioning on the base of your feet to maximize footwear comfort. This pair of shoes comes with a cushioned heel feature, which is perfect for diabetic patients as it offers heel cushioning to prevent skin breakdown. The heel cup feature is also useful as it aligns your feet with your ankle, knee, and hip joints to minimize the pressure generated by the lower body and prevent over-pronation.The new Apex Natural Knit - Men's Athletic Shoe features the following:- Arch support
- Breathable design
- Contoured footbed
- Cushioned heel
- Deep toe box
- Extra depth
- Removable footbed
- Rounded toe box
- Soft uppers
- Wide toe box
- Flexible outsole
- Heel counter
- AA5500 Coded
- AArch support
- BBreathable
- CContoured Footbed
- CCushioned Heel
- DDeep Toe Box
- EExtra Depth
- FFlexible Outsole
- HHeel Counter
- RRemovable Footbed
- WWide Toe Box
Foot Conditions
- AAchilles Tendonitis
- AArch Pain/Arch Strain
- AArthritis
- BBunion
- CCavus Foot
- CCharcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT)
- CClaw Toes
- CCorns
- DDiabetic/Neuropathy
- EEdema/Swelling
- FFat Pad Atrophy
- FFlat Feet/Fallen Arches
- HHammertoe/Mallet Toe
- HHeel Pain/Heel Spurs
- LLymphedema
- MMetatarsalgia/Ball Of Foot Pain
- MMorton's Neuroma
- MMorton's Toe
- OOver Pronation
- PPlantar Fasciitis
- PPost-Tib Tendonitis
- SShin Splints
- UUnder Pronation/Supination
* Based on the Features, this product may be appropriate for the listed Foot Conditions.
The information provided by Healthy Feet Store, LLC and Dr. Hurless is intended for educational purposes only and not intended to be used as a recommendation for a patient's specific medical condition, treatment plan or management of a disease. Please consult your healthcare provider.